Subscription Terms
Subscription payments and service are provided by and handled through
Please review the following information about the auto-renewable nature of the subscription:
- Payment will be charged to the method selected at time of Sign Up.
- Subscription automatically renews unless cancelled from the My Subscription page in FireDash.
- You will receive 2 email notifications prior to billing - first notification: 7 days, second notification: 2 days.
- Billing for failed payments will be retried 3 times - first attempt: 3 days, second attempt: 5 days, third attempt: 7 days, then subscription will be cancelled if payment is not satisfied.
- Payment method can be updated any time through the My Subscription page in FireDash.
- Transaction history and receipts can be viewed from the My Subscription page in FireDash.
- Subscriptions can be cancelled any time through the My Subscription page in FireDash.
- If you are not 100% satisfied with your subscription, please contact us at any time for a full refund of your last completed subscription payment.
- When you are ready to create an account, check out our Plans & Pricing.
Need additional help?
If you need additional help before or after purchasing a subscription plan, you may contact us using the contact form.
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